Parent to Parent | Introduction to ADHD | Webinar

02/19/2019 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET


If you are new to ADHD, this provides a brief overview of ADHD's symptoms and how its diagnosed to parents by parents. Upon completion of this live online course, parents of children with ADHD will have an understanding of ADHD and its symptoms, myths and facts about ADHD, and an overview of how ADHD impacts brain functions.

Free comprehensive resource book is provided to attendees. 




•Describe how ADHD is defined in the DSM-5 (book used by doctors in diagnosing psychological conditions)

•Understand common myths and facts about children with ADHD

•Learn the attention process

•Describe executive functions of the brain

•Analyze ADHD factors to think about when diagnosing and managing ADHD

•Compare other disorders that mimic ADHD

•Describe common co-occurring disorders with ADHD

•Explain diagnosing ADHD, including diagnosing the inattentive, predominately hyperactive/impulsive and combined presentations

•List problems that may be experienced by untreated ADHD

•Discuss ADHD with your child or teen with ADHD

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